Our Policies

Code of Behaviour Policy for Staff and Volunteers

In line with our Vision, Mission and Values, the Charity expects all staff and volunteers to conduct themselves in a manner that preserves the dignity, respect and equality of every individual.  This Code of Behaviour outlines the conduct the Charity expects from all our staff and volunteers as representatives of the Charity in their local community. 

The AVOCADO Foundation Code of Behaviour Policy

Principles of Safeguarding at The AVOCADO Foundation

The Charity regards the health, safety and welfare of all service users as one of its highest priorities.
The Charity recognises and fully accepts its moral and statutory duty to safeguard and promote the
welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and its duty to protect staff, trustees and
volunteers from unfounded allegations of abuse. 
This policy applies to all staff, trustees and volunteers working on behalf of the Charity. 

The AVOCADO Foundation Safeguarding Policy