Money4YOU Blossoms into The AVOCADO Foundation, Cultivating Financial Independence in Underserved Communities
At Money4YOU, we’ve been champions for financial empowerment for the last decade. But we’re excited to announce a transformation! On June 19th, 2024, we become The AVOCADO Foundation. This reflects a deeper commitment to cultivating financial well-being for the individuals and communities we serve. Just like an avocado seed holds the potential for a […]
Money4YOU Dragons Den 10th Anniversary now at Blue Fin Building on October 20, 2022

Money4YOU celebrates its Dragons Den 10th Anniversary and Special Awards Ceremony at Blue Fin Building on October 20, 2022 Money4YOU has recently been awarded a £100,000 grant by City Bridge Trust to support Black, Asian, Multi-ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) Led organisations. This will allow Money4YOU to distribute grants of up to £20,000 to BAMER-led non-profits […]
City Bridge Trust awards £100,000 Grant for Money4YOU Dragons Den

City Bridge Trust awards £100,000 Grant for Money4YOU Dragons Den 10th Anniversary on September 16, 2022 Invitation to pitch extended for Black, Asian, Multi-Ethnic and Refugee (BAMER) led non-profits whose work benefits Londoners. Money4YOU is thrilled to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Dragons Den event and Special Awards Ceremony. To back the event, City […]
Money4YOU Celebrates 10th Dragons Den Event and Special Awards Ceremony

Money4YOU Celebrates 10th Dragons Den Event and Special Awards Ceremony: Pitch to win a Grant of up to £10,000, Meet Funders, Network with BAMER-led organisations